SharePoint Discussion board reply without previous posts content.

1. Open Discussion Board -> NewForm.aspx using SharePoint Designer
2. Paste following javascript code to bottom of the “MainContentPlaceHolder”

<script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript”>

var d = document.getElementsByTagName(“textarea”);
for( var i=0; i < d.length; ++i){
if( d[i].id.indexOf(‘TextField’) != 0 ){

d[i].value = ” “;



Discussion board anonymous reply with custom view

We can achieve this requirement by adding new list view template to Discussion List, i will call it  “Flat Anonymous”.


1. Open FEATURES\DiscussionsList\schema.xml

(Exact Path : Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\DiscussionsList\schema.xml)

(don’t forget to Backup schema.xml file before doing any modifications)

2. Find PersonViewMinimal

3. Create a copy and name it PersonViewMinimalExtended

4. it should look like following

<Field ID=”{b4ab471e-0262-462a-8b3f-c1dfc9e2d5fd}” Name=”PersonViewMinimalExtended” DisplaceOnUpgrade=”TRUE” Group=”_Hidden” Filterable=”TRUE” Sortable=”TRUE” Type=”Computed” DisplayName=”$Resources:core,Posted_By;” ReadOnly=”TRUE” AuthoringInfo=”$Resources:core,picture_and_name;” SourceID=”; StaticName=”PersonViewMinimalExtended”>


<FieldRef ID=”{d31655d1-1d5b-4511-95a1-7a09e9b75bf2}” Name=”Editor” />

<FieldRef ID=”{adfe65ee-74bb-4771-bec5-d691d9a6a14e}” Name=”PersonImage” />

<FieldRef ID=”{bd2216c1-a2f3-48c0-b21c-dc297d0cc658}” Name=”IsRootPost” />





<Field Name=”IsRootPost” />


<Case Value=”TRUE”>

<HTML><![CDATA[<table cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″><tr><td style=”padding-left: 5px;”>]]></HTML>

<Field Name=”PersonImage” /><HTML><![CDATA[</td></tr><tr><td style=”padding-left: 5px;” nowrap>]]></HTML>

<Field Name=”Editor” /><HTML><![CDATA[</td></tr></table>]]>









5. find  $Resources:core,DiscussionViewFlat;

and  create a copy from that view (<View BaseViewID=”2″) .

and Change BaseViewID = “20” of newly created view

and Change display name to DisplayName=”Flat Anonymous”

6. Find    <FieldRef Name=”PersonViewMinimal”>

from newly copied view

7. Rename it to

<FieldRef Name=”PersonViewMinimalExtended”>

Now go to SharePoint site discussion board list and create new view.

Then select “Flat Anonymous” as the template.